Government by God's Design Bible Study
Please email me at for more information or to register for the workshop
updated: August 2023
Bible study dates and times are up to you. You can download information at no charge (for educational purposes) and provide the Bible study on your own, or you can contact Nancy Tower for more information on how CWA can help to deliver this Bible study in your area.
The world has done a good job of trying to remove God from the very process and institution of government that He designed - and the church has allowed it by not being involved. The church should equip Christian politicians with the training and accountability partners needed to be successful in their pursuits to honor God as elected officials. In politics, it's very easy to get caught up in special interests, surveys, studies, power, pride and the next election. Unless there is clarity of belief, purpose, and priorities our best efforts will not honor God.
The Bible provides the needed guidance for our governing authorities but understanding that guidance and knowing how to apply it to today's situations could use some discussion, examples and practice. Please join me in an effort to inform our elected officials, candidates, and the church about God's design for government. Let's discuss the Biblical principles, apply the Biblical processes, and prepare ourselves for more effective Christian collaboration.
Workshop Overview - Click here for a sample flyer.
Workshop options - Workshops include instruction, videos, breakout sessions, practice and personal discovery. A mix of elected officials/candidates and interested Christian leaders (1:4 ratio) is the ideal audience for a full workshop. There are 10 - 12 hours of instruction and interaction, which can be broken into two, three or four sessions.
Presentation options - The materials, with some activities, can be presented by topic to Sunday School classes, non-profit groups or other groups as interested. Time allotment determines the level of detail presented.
Remember, 1 Timothy 2:2 tells us to pray for those in authority. Then it explains the purpose: so that we might lead peaceful and Godly lives. What is a peaceful and Godly life? - It is one where the government protects our ability to peacefully spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. Government secures our God-given rights. Christians need to be informed and involved.